The services we provide vary according to the needs of our customers.

Smart Parking Management System

Smart Parking System CityZ Service managment system

Real-time sharing of parking space availability.

The integrable Smart Parking Management System includes:

Smart Parking & E-Mobility

Smart Parking System CityZ Service e-mobility

Monitoring of parking spaces reserved for charging electric vehicles.

The integrable Smart Parking & E-Mobility system includes:

Smart Parking Data & Statistics

Smart Parking System CityZ Service data analysis

The statistics and data collected by Smart Sensors technology can provide valuable information for various industries and organisations.

This data can be used to:

App / Web App / Control room

Smart Parking System CityZ Service web app

By monitoring the status of parking spaces in real time, we can provide our customers with a parking management App/Web App.

The main functionalities are:

The integrable system allows real-time sharing of parking space occupancy data with other MaaS systems to create a Control Room, a single centre where all the city’s data can be exploited.